Home » Research Reports » Global Out-of-Home Media Forecast 2019-23

Global Out-of-Home Media Forecast 2019-23


PQ Media’s 11th annual Global Out-of-Home Media Forecast 2019-23 is the latest edition in this groundbreaking industry benchmark series, which set the standard for comprehensive, in-depth market intelligence on digital and traditional OOH media upon its inaugural release in 2007. The new 2019 edition remains the only primary research source providing credible and consistent econometric data tracking the industry’s key performance indicators – advertising spending and consumer exposure time – by platform, channel, country and venue. 

PQ Media analysts use our econometric methodology to do the hard work you don’t have time to do, delivering original and consistent datasets, market sizing, PEST trend analysis and growth projections with the most breadth and depth available, making it easier for you to harness vital strategic intelligence for effective business planning.

This is why the world’s leading industry stakeholders – from C-level media executives and trusted management consultants to investment professionals and media buyers – count on the Global OOH Media Forecast to deliver the critical data and insights you need to make smarter business decisions.

PQ Media’s unparalleled coverage of the global OOH media industry includes digital OOH (DOOH) media, such as place-based video networks, digital billboards and other digital signage that deliver content and advertising to consumers via indoor venues and outdoor locations like cinema, roadside, retail, transit, healthcare, corporate, education and entertainment, among others.

We also cover traditional OOH media, such as static billboards, street furniture and transit posters, as well as ambient OOH media, including ads placed on objects, non-traditional vehicles, and in unique locations.

PQ Media’s research shows that OOH media is one of the fastest growing ad-supported media in both operator revenues and consumer exposure time, compared with decelerating growth among many traditional media platforms. With consumers increasingly accessing media outside their homes and the rise of ad-skipping and ad-blocking technologies, brands are increasingly turning to OOH to engage target consumers near the point of decision.

But with economic uncertainty, technological disruption and increasingly mobile consumers, are you prepared to navigate the rapidly changing media landscape? It’s never been more important to have reliable and actionable market research to ensure you’re equipped to make the best strategic decisions.

To help you accomplish your goals, we’ve provided various key features and benefits in the new Global OOH Media Forecast 2019, including:

  • Core PDF Report (in PowerPoint format) delivering over 400 slides of original data, analysis and datagraphs for easy strategic comparisons, internal reporting and client presentations, including in-depth profiles of the top 20 media markets by country across all 4 global regions;
  • Companion Excel Databook delivering several hundred drill-down datasets and 13,000 actionable datapoints providing the deepest dive available by region, country, media platform, channel and venue category, empowering you with critical data and analysis to help you achieve your strategic growth objectives;
  • Benchmark the performance of the 20 largest OOH media markets by country with exclusive data & insights on digital and traditional OOH ad spending, year-to-year growth and consumer time spent with DOOH and TOOH, as well as comparisons of OOH media results with that of other ad-driven media;
  • Analyze exclusive and consistent historical, current and forecast datasets for the entire 2013-2023 period, including 2013-2018 historical data, current 2019 pacing estimates, and five-year projections for 2019-2023;
  • Original and consistent industry definitions, market segmentation, market sizing, in-depth country profiles, proprietary global and US rankings, projected outcomes, key industry growth trends and emerging market challenges in the 2019-2023 period;
  • Exclusive rankings of top 20 global markets by advertising and marketing revenues and growth; digital vs. traditional media revenues and growth; share of digital vs. traditional media by country; and the largest and fastest-growing digital and traditional media platforms and channels by country. 

To download a FREE Executive Summary, Table of Contents, and Sample Datasets from the new Global OOH Media Forecast 2019-23 just fill out the short form after you click on the Free Sample Download button above. Please make sure your email address is correct because we will use it to send you the links necessary to download the free samples.

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